Festival Daily Schedule

***Online participants will be able to join via zoom 15 minutes before the day starts.

1:00-1:15 PM EST MT Motivation
1:15 – 2:30 PM EST Master Class 1: Reinforced Motor Function for Ballet Application
2:30 – 3:45 PM EST Master Class 2: McLeod Technique Modern/Contemporary
3:45 PM – 4:00 PM EST Break
4:00 – 5:00 PM EST MWF Specialty Master Classes (MT Afro Hip Hop, Hip Hop, Musical Theater, and more) / Tu & Th Black Techniques in Dance – Learn Black Techniques in Dance
5:00-6:00 PM EST Special Repertory class – Learn a Choreographic Work for the 35th “A Day In Dance” Concert Showing. All Full Day Participants will perform in the concert on the evening of the Final Friday of the Festival. (Day ends here for General tuition)
6:00-7:00 PM EST New York Dance Festival Choreographic Fellowships are integrated throughout the festival day. These hours are dedicated to daily clinical and application creation for  Choreographic Fellows & Residents. ***This is not part of the general tuition, it is a special track***

*** There will be additional special options for Choreography and evening MT Sessions as well.